What is the project about?
Complex Care Anywhere: Using digital technology to coordinate cancer care
This project is implementing a proven cloud-based shared care platform (steera®) to enable a sustainable and impactful prostate cancer survivorship shared care model at Western health (WH). The current nurse-led prostate cancer shared care program at WH is of proven benefit for clinicians and patients but is limited by the inefficiencies of paper based systems. Through PEPSI we are developing a larger and more streamline secure integrated digital model of shared care for prostate cancer.
Who is involved in the project?
Many people are involved in the project including Cindy Ogluzko (Prostate Cancer Nurse), Niall Corcoran (HOU) , Dr Guru Iyngkaran (Gasteroenterologist, Royal Melbourne Hospital and co-designer of steera®), Ian Baker (Digital Project Manager), Dr Zina Valaydon (Head of Liver Services, WH), A/Prof Edmund Tse (Head of Liver Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital and co-designer of steera®), David Homewood (Project manager/ Research Registrar)
What are the anticipated outcomes of the project?
A digital integrated shared care platform to optimally manage prostate cancer patients across their journey of care. We anticipate improved patient satisfaction, streamlined outpatient encounters, increased capacity of GPs to enact evidence based survivorship care